By Bill Hogan
Insource or Outsource? It is a question we ask about all areas of our lives from home landscaping to IT infrastructure at your business. Sometimes, we all need a little bit of help to not just get the job done, but to get it done properly.
Often, these decisions are about jobs most anyone can do, but if you are running a business, do you want to spend valuable time and training on tasks that are not your expertise?
The same can be said for managing your access control system. Depending on the scope and size of your business, an access control system can be as complicated as providing a few employees with a badge to managing the access control credentials for thousands of associates. Badging, scheduling doors, access control permissions and auditing can be daunting to people who don’t manage it every day.
Some businesses leave the daily maintenance of the access control system up to an office manager or receptionist who may not have the time or wherewithal to handle this on a regular basis. This is where Managed Access comes into play, providing end users with a managed service that can remotely handle their credentialing, scheduling and reporting processes for their access control system.
If a customer wants a Managed Access service, the security systems integrator will step in to handle all aspects of managing the system, from generating new credentials or removing access for employees who have left, to generating daily and weekly access control reports. With this approach, the regular management of the system is taken care of directly by the security systems integrator. Badges can even be sent directly to end users.
The use of managed access control systems is increasing. As company infrastructure grows, so does the ability to network locations and provide off-site services and hosting. When it comes to managing access control systems, end users now have a choice in the matter – do you have the time and expertise to manage the system on your own or should you leverage the expertise of your security company? Insource or outsource…you decide.